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The need for the quality and availability of water resources has always been the primary concern of our societies especially in semiarid and arid regions, and even the areas with abundant rainfall such as tropical region. The problem of gaining an adequate supply of quality water is generally becoming more severe effect due to ever increasing of population, irrigation and industrialization. Due to this situation, surface water cannot be dependable throughout the year; hence other alternative is needed in order to supplement for surface water. The groundwater is the water lies under ground and it is the best quality fresh water which the world depend on its availability source. It is the water held in the sub-surface within the saturated zone under hydrostatic pressure below water table.
Now a days the used of geophysical techniques for groundwater exploration and water quality evaluations has increases due to rapid advances in computer software and other numerical modeling techniques. The use of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has become very popular with groundwater prospecting due to simplicity of the technique. The purpose of electrical geophysical survey method is to detect the surface effects that produce by the flow of electric current inside the earth. These techniques have been used in a wide range of geophysical investigations such as mineral exploration, archeological investigation, engineering studies, geothermal exploration, permafrost mapping and geological mapping.
Electrical methods are generally classified according to energy source involved that is either natural or artificial. Those under natural source method include self-potential (SP), telluric current and magneto telluric while those under artificial source methods are resistivity, electromagnetic (EM) and induced polarization (IP) methods. This present research used one of the artificial methods, which is the use of electric D C resistivity method using an instrument which were taken using schlumberger array.
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has been put to effective use in many earlier groundwater studies and found to be extremely successful. In the present study, the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) using schlumberger array were carried out. The study used current electrode spacing of 1/2AB=100 M, in which the potential electrode separation MN has maintain its order of increment.
To identify the thickness, resistivity value of sub-surface layers; to determine the hydrological conditions of the area and to identify a suitable places for boreholes location within the study area.